Platinum News

Platinum Newsletter April 2023

April Newsletter Header
Miss Paige

Studio Feature

We have been recognizing our Student Assistants each month for their outstanding help in the classroom! Featured here is Miss Paige, a Teen Company dancer. She went above & beyond and gave hand written Valentine’s Day notes to all her students – way to go Paige!

Did you know?

We have two TEAMS programs at Platinum Dance: Performance Team and Competition Team. If your dancer is interested in MORE and is wanting to take their dance to the next level, join us for a FREE Teams Preview Class on Saturday, April 22 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm at our Edina location. All dancers ages 4+ are welcome. Dancers will take a 60 minute Jazz class and parents are welcome to stay for a Q & A. Come learn more about our TEAMS!

Platinum Teams
Community Give Back


It’s been another great season of giving back to our local schools. Platinum has donated over 60 gift certificate bags and over $3,500 to school galas and fundraisers. Thank you to Miss Cassidy who puts together our cute gift bags and always delivers them with a smile! Donation requests can be submitted on our website.

Join Us!

  • Wiggle Wednesday – April 12 (9:30 – 10:15 AM) Ages 1.5 – 5
  • Summer 2023 Enrollment is OPEN and camps are filling!


Publish Date

April 19, 2023